If you drive to and from work or school regularly, chances are that you might come across car difficulty that will require that you need roadside assistance at some point. This might include engine breakdowns, getting locked out of your automobile, or lacking fuel. The first action to take is calling a tow truck when you experience problems. But you must likewise take additional precautions to stay safe while you’re waiting aid to show up. For service of a full fleet of towing trucks, call 317-343-4543.
While Waiting for Roadside Assistance Utilize the Shoulder
A lot of highways have a shoulder where you can park your automobile throughout an emergency situation. If you can still move your car, try to maneuver it towards the side of the road to stay clear of any oncoming traffic before calling for a towing service.
Use Danger Lights and Triangle Kits
If your car dropped in the middle of the road, switch on your danger lights to indicate that your car has a problem. Set up your emergency reflective triangle a number of meters behind your vehicle to alert other motorists of your scenario.
Do You Need Roadside Assistance?
Call 317-343-4543
Personal Security
Prioritize your safety. Stay on the shoulder of the highway after setting up your emergency situation triangle if it’s daytime. At night, remain inside your car and lock the doors instead. Do not open the door for anyone however highway patrol or the towing business, and make sure you see their qualifications first.
Keep Calm
Now that you and your vehicle are safe from damage, you can relax and wait for the emergency group to get here. It might take up to an hour for a tow truck to show up, depending upon your place, but felt confident that skilled assistance can get you back on the roadway in no time.
While Waiting for Roadside Assistance
If you are waiting for roadside assistance, with Prime Towing, we do our best to make sure that your towing experience is one of a kind. Give us a call at 317-343-4543 for help today!